This drone piloting app is fantastic! The physics are well simulated and the control is responsive enough to fool me into feeling like theres a real drone up there.
Of course the only problem is this simulator is just a starting point. There are only 3 UAVs, and 4 small scenes. Granted, the fine tuning of drone responsiveness & wind allows for a bit of variance; and while the industrial area is a great close-quarters line-of-sight sim; and the boat area provides some fun scoping out hot chicks on moving vessels - it all leaves much to be desired in terms of challenging flight opportunities.
I sincerely hope the developer continues to update this great app - it is very enjoyable and a great way to hone piloting skills without burning through 200 batteries, obliterating tens of thousands of dollars worth of crashed drones - and running from the cops when that high-speed nose dive doesnt quite level off in time and collides with someones yacht.
Great job! Keep going!!
thinayr about QuadcopterFx Simulator